Saturday, February 09, 2008


This question is being raised from the ancient times and will be raised till the end of the times ….because this is question which can be best answered at the end or after the end. The Question is “What is the most important thing in the life?”. Some say it is love, some say it is money, for some it is desire and for some it is happiness, some go with power and some advocates for pleasure and the most common answer would be mixture of all these. Apparently feelings like patience, fear, pain does not come in the solution set, but who knows. Even the God was not sure about this. In order to put an end to this, HE devised plan. A race was called, in which all the feelings and things were allowed to compete. The winner will settle this question forever. Now we all know, we are not even certain about what we want, so it was decided that whether conscious or unconscious, all human desires will power these feeling. The one getting more power will speed more and thus will win the race. Now this is what happened on the big day.

I was sitting in the front row. Love, Anger, Money, Pleasure, Pain, Lust, Happiness, Power, Popularity etc all were there in best of their outfits. Each connected themselves with the cordless power cord. The crowd was cheering for their favorites, if they have any. Some, confused people like me were just shouting aimlessly. They all will get power according to our true desires. With a bang the race began. Like a 100m run it looks like a tight race. It was hard to say who was leading and people were just screaming. Patience was loosing but amazingly pain was not so behind [God knows what really we want]. But definitely in the leading row there were Love, Money, and Popularity. In order to remove ambiguity about the rash decisions this was decided that it will be a lapped race. Everyone was talking that after the race the mystery would be solved. The race was now drawing to an end, still no clear winner. People were dashing each other, making room for themselves in order to have a clear view. At this moment I realized actually one was leading the race. It was someone whom I hadn’t seen till then. It was Acceptance. He was going to cross the finishing line and … and he did it. He won. He had a clear lead. It was amazing. I ran for him, but people were still shouting for their favorites. I said to the person standing next to me “but the race is over”. He said “no! It is not”. He was not even aware of it. Not only him, it seem neither participants nor the audience had noticed it. Acceptance was looking indifferent as he knew it always, I was surprised in all ways and the God was smiling.